There it is. The very thing that has been keeping me away from you all so long. It's the Mayor's budget recommendation, and it has consumed my life for the past month. Last night he presented his budget to the City Council in the form of a power point presentation. The news is bleak. We have a lot less to operate with this year than last year.
But Tuscaloosa is in a whole lot better shape than other cities in our state, and we should weather this economic storm and be ok.
So over the next 3 weeks, the council will go over the budget line by line and should have the final draft ready to adopt on September 29th.
Maybe I'll have time to write a little more. I still haven't posted about our fishing trip weekend before last. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
3 days til Alabama Football!!!!
Roll Tide, ya'll. Have a great day!
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